Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Banbury MX Trophy Meet

On May 4th I attended a Motorcross meet near Banbury in Oxfordshire. The two day event was part of my studying for a sports module I am currently completing. The event was extremely well marshalled and the organisers did a really good job as making as many people feel as welcome as possible. I arrived shortly before 0900 hours and took a good hour to have a look around the track and see the best places that I thought would provide the best photo opportunities to me.
I decided the best way was to get away from the crowds. so I went to the areas of the track that were virtually void of other people, except Marshalls. With the Nikon D3 and a Nikon 80mm - 400 f4.5 at the ready I started to shoot.
I shot about one thousand images over the weekend and after the lightroom workflow got rid of 600 of them. I used 2 8gb Lexa UDMA 8gb 300x CF cards and two 4gb versions, all shot in raw.
I kept the apertures as near to the largest as I could and now and again shot at f7.1, depending on the DOF I wanted. To help achieve this I ramped the ISO up to about 2600. No problem with the D3, I was shooting 9 fps with no, or little buffer speed problems.
The images have been placed into the workflow list and I will get some editing done over the next few days.
By attending events like these you certainly get the opportunity to shoot some good images, whether they be action shots, or characteristics of the event. Whether I use these images I captured for my module, I have not decided. It is more likely I will go out and shoot a similar event over the next week or so and see if the types of images I want get captured.
As soon as I finish the final images through CS3 I will post a new link here so the gallery can be viewed.
The above image was taken within the first 15 minutes of getting there, these little fellas were amazing and just had to be captured. More images will be published.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Nikon D3 Firmware Update

The new firmware version has just been released from Nikon Europe. The original firmware upgrade for the Nikon D3 was withdrawn as soon as it was introduced due to errors in the software. The obvious problems occurred when I was shooting in continous shooting mode at nine frames per second and the later part of the sequence recorded unrecognisable images. Nikon were quick to act on this and withdrew the firmware upgrade. However, as promised by the end of the month the uprgaded version has been released and is downloadable here.
I have installed it in the camera and apart from it wiping all previous settings, it seems to do what they say. The upgrades add to what is already the best camera on the market, in my opinion. Now the settings are re-programmed and backed up to a CF and hard drive, it should be as good, if not better than before.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Website Updates

The gallery pages of the site are still being worked on and there are numerous presentations currently being edited in the background. As the weather is starting to get better I am anticipating some good outdoor shoots coming up. I am working on a few projects at the moment for the main course I am studying for. The subject matter is going to be either landscapes or people. The weather may play a part in the final decision. The web site can be found here

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Just had to photography these....

I just had to photography these trainers today for two reasons really. I was testing the D3 with the new Firmware upgrade, version 1.10 to see if there were any problems with it, also as they cost £225.00, I thought I would get a photo of them before they get ruined.

The image was takem with a D3 using a 50mm f1.8. I used an SU800 Command Unit with an SB800 attached to an Interfit COR 752 stand holding a softbox, all attached with a hotshoe adapter. The image was taken in manual mode, f4 and the flash was set to power at 1/16. All the other alterations were done in PS CS3, Lightroom and Nik Software Plugins.
More details on this software and plugins will be posted in the next publications.

Nikon D3 Firmware Update Withdrawn

After reading a blog from Moose Peterson, Wildlife Photographer and Rob Galbraith of Digital Photography Insights, Nikon had released a new update to the firmware on the D3. The update, V1.10, addressed issues and items that extend the cameras already fantastic capabilities. I downloaded the updates and installed them into my D3. The next day I was made aware that they have now withdrawn the item due to technical problems and possible corruption problems being caused to NEF images. The new release is now to be made at the end of the month. However, after reading the brief they have supplied, I am going to leave the update in and see to what extent, if any, it causes problems. So, if you read this and want to download and install the update, then have a look at the Nikon site before you make a decision...

Web Site continues to grow...

The web site is still taking some time to design, to the extent and look that I am after. The gallery page formats are now written and the script is in place for a quick navigation bar to ease viewing. This section has taken me some time to complete, with many pages being designed and then deleted. Comments given to me from viewers are the best form of criticism and it is with these that I can reflect on the overall look of the pages.
The majority of the galleries are now set, although there is still work to be done in creating others. However, the whole original idea is now taking shape and I am pleased with the result and overall design of the presentation. As new items are added, I will include them on my updates within the blog.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Update to the work thats on going.....

I am still in the process of designing the final look for the web site and looking through various bits of software and editing tools. My main programmes are Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and Photogshop CS3, however Lightroom is playing more of a part at the moment, however I still need to transfer the images over to PS CS3 to do the real editing and workflow.
I will spend some time discussing the various workflows I have been given and the topics and tutorials I use to enable me to do this. There is one main source of information I use, however this will become apparent at a later posting.
I am still working on my software list and literature guide, that I would highly recommend you take a look at to see if you agree. They are the basis of the majority of my sources and designs. It is fair to say that inspiration and guidance has been given greatly by these people and has progressed me further in the large chapter of understanding the type of photography that I am interested in. That said, at the moment I am producing workflows in line with curriculum briefings and requirements of modules. Again, I will post further details about these later.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Equipment Guide


Nikon D3
Nikon D2xs


Sigma 10mm - 20mm f 4-5.6
Sigma 20mm f1.8
Sigma 18mm - 50mm f2.8
Nikon 24mm - 70mm f2.8 AF-s G ED
Sigma 50mm - 150mm f2.8
Sigma Macro 70mm f2.8
Nikon 50mm f1.8
Nikon 70mm - 200mm f2.8
Nikon 80mm - 400mm f2.8
Nikon PK12 auto extension ring


Nikon SU800 Remote Command Unit x 1
Nikon SB800 x3
Nikon SD 8A High Performance Battery Pack x 3


Sekonic L-758D Digital Master

Softboxes and Umbrellas

Lastolite 450mm - 450mm
Lastolite 600mm - 600mm
Lastolite 600mm Translucent Umbrella x 2


Lastolite 6' x 6' Black Velvet
Reflectors and Defelectors

Lastolite 5 - 1 Reflector x 3

Support Stands

Interfir COR 751 x 1
Interfir COR 752 x 1
Interfit COR 754 x 1
Lastolite Reflector Bracket Arm x 2
Lastolite Tri Grip Portrait and Stand


Manfrotto 694 Monopod
Manfrotto 475B
Manfrotto MBAG100P


Interfit 433 x 2
Tamrac Pro 12
Tamrac Expedition 8
Tamrac Expedition 4
Lowepro Pro Roller 1

Digital Film

Lexar Professional DMA 8GB CF 300x speed x 2
Lexar Professional DMA 4GB CF 300x speed x 2
Sandisk 8GB CF x 2
Sandisk 4GB CF x 2
Sandisk Extreme IV 8GB CF x 2
Sandisk Extreme III 4GB CF x 2

Expodisc White Balance Filter 62mm x 1
Expodisc White Balance Filter 67mm x 1
Expodisc White Balance Filter 82mm x 1
Expodosc Warm Balance Filter 82mm x 1
Epson Stylus Pro 4800 ( Ultra Chrome K3 )

Software Guide

This part of the blog is essential, in not only knowing what is out there, but how to use it. The articles I will post here will give you an outline of the types of software currently in use and what I use in my own workflow. There are numerous quality sites devoted to reviews and tutorials on how to use this software, so there is little point in me repeating any of it here. However, a guide to what I think is best and how I use it may help you decide what is suitable for you. I will show how I use some of it, especially how I tether my equipment together when I shoot. I also hope to show some before and after images and explain how I achieved the final result. All of these posts will be linked to the Software Guide.

Somewhere to begin...

Welcome to my brand new blog site, added as an essential accessories to my main photography site,
This site has been put together to put all those bits of information on that make photography the fascinating subject it is. This is my little bit to help those out there who like me, have started in this business later in life. My main site concentrates mainly on the galleries and is a show piece for some of the work and submissions I am currently doing.
The blog site is designed to put all those other essential bits of information on, without over running the main site. Items such as the equipment guide, something that always interests other photographers and users who want to know more about some good kit. I will submit my own reveiws here of the kit I use, the pros and cons, the good bits and the learning points, that may help you in you are staring off in this type of work or hobby.

I will include all the reference material that I am using, for either research or to further my knowledge in a certain subject, the essential blogs of photographers or web sites offering excellent information on this subject and have certainly helped me in the learning process.

Whilst a large proportion of the site is focused on photography and my interest in the subject, there will also the opportunity to put other articles that may be of interest, especially family items and photographs to support these entries. I, like others, think of it as a journal, a diary of events, somewhere, where I can post items of interest and as the site builds, sure, that others may benefit from the entries.
I am not a professsional photographer, although I am studying at the moment for amateur qualifications. It is my intention to become professional, so by using this site you will be able to follow my story, my highs and lows, the subjects I am covering and how I conduct my workflow.

Essentially, all of my work is self taught, from the web site design, to the presentation. The post capture process that I use, helped tremendously by certain NAPP members, who I will post in detail about later. I have used the knowledge and experience from others to gain my own knowledge on this subject and found that to be able to complete the process of capture, to editing, to presentation, in both print and web, is extremely challenging.
Anyhow, that concludes the essential introduction part of the site, so now on with the content and material, that I hope you will not only enjoy, but if you feel urged, make a comment.